What is the easiest way to make friends? You smile at people – including strangers – and they smile back. Once this ice breaking phase is over, being friends is just matter of time. But in real world smiling is easier said than done on many occasions. People are simply embarrassed to smile because of the poor appearance of their teeth. And in the process they destroy the chances of any further social interaction. Thankfully, modern dentistry has advanced a lot to easily camouflage the appearance of your unhealthy and diseased teeth to reflect a healthy and attractive smile. Composite bonding is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetic dentistry. It works wonder on problems like partially broken, chipped, cracked or damaged tooth.
More about the procedure and how it can improve your appearance
Composite dental bonding perfectly covers up the issues of discoloured, decayed or damaged tooth. In easy words, the procedure makes use of a special type of resin that resembles the natural shade of your tooth enamel. At Chatfield Braces, we have a stunning success record in handling composite bonding cases.
Composite bonding reflects natural look and is efficient enough to cover up the flaws in your tooth including any visible sign of damage or discolouration. It is the best practical solution to fix cosmetic flaws in one’s tooth or teeth. Moreover, the procedure is completely painless and non invasive. It creates a perfect finish displaying more of the natural structure of your tooth.
- The steps involved – in the first step a soft phosphoric acid is applied to your teeth surface. This results in roughening of the surface so that the bonding material can stick easily. This step is neither painful nor triggers any kind of discomfort.
- In the next step the bonding resin is placed on the surface of the tooth. it is relevant mentioning that bonding resin is nothing but a putty-like material. After it is properly placed it is brought to shape and sculpted. A special light is used that hardens the material pretty fast and thus the material is set. In the next phase the hardened material is given a polish to reflect a smooth finish.
What is the average life of composite bonding material?
The bonding material is known to last anywhere between three and seven years easily, provided proper care and maintenance are there. As a matter of fact you should never compare its life with those of porcelain veneers and crowns which last much longer.
How affordable is the treatment?
The procedure is strikingly effective in recreating a new and attractive look for you without denting your budget too deep. Compared to many other cosmetic dentistry procedures, it is relatively inexpensive. And this is a significant reason behind its outstanding popularity. Moreover, the procedure is usually covered by almost all medical insurances. The process lasts anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. It requires you to visit the dentist only once. As far as costing is concerned, this procedure is much reasonable compared to dental crowns and veneers.
Considering all these facts and factors, it can be safely concluded that composite bonding is grossly affordable.
Advantages of this dental procedure
- As it has already been mentioned above, the procedure is carried out just by one single visit to your dentist. In other words the procedure proves to be fast and effective means to fix minor dental cosmetic flaws. Almost as soon as the composite is applied, it is hardened by application of UV rays. Thus your affected tooth can comfortably bite down with full force at the end of the session.
- The procedure is completely non invasive. In contrast to other treatment alternatives – like veneers and crowns – a portion of the tooth enamel is permanently scraped away causing irreversible damage to the tooth. Whereas in this procedure only the tooth surface needs to be roughened in order to help the composite material bond better. Thus dental bonding ensures the structure of your tooth remains intact and unharmed.
- Composite bonding treatment introduces significant cosmetic improvements to your smile very fast without causing any further damage to the teeth.
- Composite bonding ensures value for money. With proper care and maintenance – which include proper brushing along with maintaining sound oral hygiene – there is no reason why your composite bond will not last years together.
Alternative solutions to the procedure
The standard alternatives to the procedure are – veneers and crowns
Veneers – it is basically a thin moulding that is tailored out from porcelain and is bonded to the front surface of your tooth. it is also effective covering up gaps between the teeth where orthodontic treatments fail to offer much help.
Crowns – a dental crown is actually a cap in the shape of a tooth. it is placed just like a protective covering over the entire visible portion of your tooth. A crown not only looks but also functions and feels like your natural tooth. in addition to the facts stated above, if you choose a crown made of porcelain, it becomes all the more indistinguishable from the rest of your teeth.
However both these alternatives have a downside. A portion of your tooth requires to cut down or scaled away to make sure a crown or a veneer bonds well or fits better. This is an irreversible damage to the tooth and it can never be replaced.
The procedure of dental bonding is not only fast, completely non invasive and reasonably priced but it can also be repaired easily if gets damaged or broken. Do discuss your options with your dentist. The oral healthcare expert is your most assured bet to tell you whether composite dental bonding is the right option for you.
Composite bonding and the NHS
If you are planning to search online using strings like “the best dental bonding options near me” anywhere from London, you can be rest assured your search will return Chatfield Braces. Dentists associated with the reputed oral health practice assure as because it is a purely cosmetic treatment, composite bonding is not available on the NHS. But Chatfield Braces maintains a transparent and reasonable pricing for this treatment.
Just feel free to discuss the cost of the treatment so that making an informed decision becomes easier for you.