Everyone knows the benefits of water, right? It keeps us hydrated, transports nutrients to our bodies and even helps us poop! But have you ever thought about the ways that water benefits you on a more subtle level? Here are five things you didn’t know about water that could change your life.
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Water
1) Water boosts your metabolism
Drinking water boosts your metabolism, which means that over time, you’ll be burning extra calories even when you’re just sitting around. How much water is recommended for weight loss? For best results, drink half your body weight in ounces every day. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, try to down 100 ounces of H2O every 24 hours. That’s about a gallon of water each day or about 10 cups — a tall order for most people!
2) Water aids digestion
Our bodies are comprised of nearly 60% water, so it’s no surprise that we need to replenish our supply regularly. But did you know that your body uses water not only for digestion but also for a number of other processes? When you drink plain water and eat a meal, enzymes in your mouth help break down carbohydrates while saliva lubricates food to make swallowing easier. As soon as food hits your stomach, more enzymes break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into nutrients that can be absorbed by your intestines. LEARN MORE
3) Water helps with skin
Drinking enough water can help keep your skin healthy and looking younger than its years. According to Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, one of the best benefits of water is that it hydrates your skin from within so that it looks healthy from outside as well. He also says that drinking more water increases blood flow to skin cells, which keeps them more flexible. These two factors reduce wrinkling and make you look younger for longer.
4) Drinking water can reduce stress
I’m not sure why, but I feel less tense and more relaxed when I’m hydrated. In fact, many doctors recommend drinking water to reduce stress levels. It may be because staying hydrated helps you avoid hunger pangs, or maybe it’s just because we forget to drink enough H2O and end up looking like a tomato by afternoon—but either way, if reducing stress is on your mind, increase your daily intake of water. Learn different ways to detox your body and hydrated.
5) Water improves sleep
Drinking a glass of water before bed helps you sleep better. Water is nature’s sleeping pill; drinking it before bed time keeps your body hydrated and your mind calm, reducing stress, which can help you nod off more easily. In fact, researchers have found that insomniacs who drink more water tend to sleep longer.